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Rutherford DNA - Tells a different story
For years now everywhere you look in books and online about Rutherford's it states that all Rutherford's come from the one location / family in Scotland and that they ultimately come from Belgium. Due to the Y-DNA results that have occurred / are occurring this CAN NOT BE TRUE.
What is now being seen due to the DNA is that this story is TRUE for SOME Rutherford's, but not for others - THERE is MORE THAN ONE origin story.
On the chart (below) I have plotted the Rutherford men I can locate on FTDNA to show that there are 2 main/distinct groups of Rutherford's - one is the men that fall under U106, the other falls under P312.
Note: most (if not all) of the men currently at R-M269, according to their STRs will fall under R-P312
There are 2 other Rutherford men not on this chart - one is E-CTS5637, the other is I-M253
There are 2 distinct Y-DNA genetic groups: R1b-P312, R1b-U106.
The origins of these haplogroups (after separating thousands of years ago) are:
R1b-P312 - Proto-Italo-Celto-Germanic (eg. Altanic Celtic, Ibero-Atlantic, Italo-Gaulish, Nordic)
R1b-U106 (also known as S21) - Proto-Germanic